Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hello? Are your fingers working? Nope...

Okay, blog stalkers. You may have noticed that there has been a lack of craftiness and blogging. That is because I’m working like crazy. I got home from Milwaukee in late May and after a week of being a zombie I started working my summer job. What do I do? I manage the bookstore for the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore visitor’s center and it’s awesome. I work with a great bunch of people and I get to talk with and meet all kinds of people from all over the world. But I also decided (for some self-destructive reason) to take summer classes. So between driving to work, work, driving home, working on homework, and then all those little pieces that make life life I have very little time to craft. I knit a bit on the Fourth of July and I finished my purse one night. I also started a cross stitch project…sooooo I have no life. Hopefully I can squeeze in some crafting here and there. I’m still working on those socks…never going to finish at this rate. I hope you have more crafting amazingness than me. Love to you all and I’ll write more soonish…(less than 2.5 months from now).