Sunday, January 11, 2015

Keeping Up with the Kelley

Jen posted again after a while, so you know what that means...I have to post to try and keep up with her. Seriously, when she posts it reminds me I have a blog and should maybe write in it from time to time. I get discouraged after a while because I know this blog won't become something huge like YarnHarlot or something, but 'eh. At the very least it organizes my knitting thoughts. So let the organization begin...

Last night I finished a cowl for Lauren and it made me wonder what other projects I have lying around unfinished. So I took stock and realized there are a lot. This doesn't even count the items I've promised people and haven't cast on yet. These are projects on the needles/hooks and languishing in baskets and bags around my apartment.
Jen's '70s Sweater started in...oh...2011?

My spinning...started in 2013?

Super secret fingerless gloves started 2014.

Capelet for Mary started 2014.

Stole for me started 2014

Mountain afghan started 2014.

Megan's skyp socks started 2013.

Bellatrix test knit started 2014.

Plus size sweater started 2014

So there we go. There may be one or two more hiding in the craft room but this is the bulk of it. Now the big question...what to finish?