Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Poetic Holiday Cleaning (if only)

Well, I woke up really early thinking I was running late and now I have time for tea and blogging. Yay! I've been crafting up a storm -- sort of. I made gifts for my co-workers (which I will post a picture of after they get their gifts today). And I was feeling rather ambitious and started making a Christmas stocking for my brother. Not that he needs a Christmas stocking. I'm fairly certain my mother purchased about five every other year. We may have left a lot of them in the Frankfort house, but I imagine there are plenty hiding away in a box somewhere in Northern Wisconsin. But it seemed like a good idea at the time.

This week is fairly awesome so far...in that we have shortened hours at work. Don't get me wrong...I love my job, but I get to go in at 9am and leave at 3pm. How lovely! I have a lot of work to do while the residential students are away. I'm also trying to think of an article topic so I get get published sometime soon. That would really bump up my resume. But I don't feel qualified...I've been a student so long. I'm finding the transition to professional rather bumpy.

Maybe that's why I signed up for a class next semester. I decided to take an advanced poetry workshop because I really want to get back into writing. I kind of stopped after my mom died with a few poetic exceptions here and there. Writing has always been a comfort to me, and it may help with the processing of my grief for my dad. Both of my parents actually. So we'll see. I thought about taking a computer class because there are two or three that might help in my goal of getting an IT degree. I'm learning that a lot of my job requires technology...which I knew...and I thought I was fairly tech-savvy. And I am compared to some people, but I could be a lot better if I understood more about how information technology worked. My only hesitation is that I'm not an analytical type person...I'm not good at understanding complex mechanisms. Or maybe I am...I just never gave myself the chance? I figure a few (free!) computer classes at least will help me approach all this technology a bit better. I'll stick with poetry this semester and work on computers next fall.

For the next few days, it's going to be busy busy as I clean my apartment (which desperately needs cleaning) and prepare for Scott's visit. He's coming down Christmas Eve so hopefully I'll have everything cleared up before he gets here. One of my goals was to finish decorating my apartment by the time he came for Christmas and I've only hung one picture so far. I need to buy more picture hanger thingers. We'll see how far I get. I'll update this post later to show you the cute lil Christmas gifts I made for my co-workers. And maybe the beginning of Scott's stocking. Maybe.

Until then.

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