Friday, April 13, 2012

Fairy Tale Friday the 13th

Guess what everyone? It's Friday the 13th! Spooky. Anyway, you'll feel some type of emotion (sad, thrilled, unmoved, etc.) to hear that I have not completed the cowl of the sweater. Homework, drinking, and The Hunger Games trilogy have interfered with my attempts. There is a little story of tribulation that goes with the cowl. Allow me to indulge once upon a time there was this beautiful blue sweater that the dark haired librarian was knitting for her dear friend, Memo. Now the librarian worked hard on the sweater for several months. Finally, she was at the part of the beautiful ribbed and open ribbed cowl. She knit and purled and yarn overed and clicked the needles until she had 9 beautiful inches. She gazed at her work lovingly only to realize that the cowl was inside out! The WS (wrong side) was facing outwards! Surely a mischievous gremlin switched the knitting during the night for how could have the fair librarian made such a grievous mistake? She shook the needles towards the sky vowing revenge! After a cup of tea and the comfort of her yarn side kick, Rajah the cat, she decided to fix this most terrible of knitting woes. She started ripping, despite the protests of the Knitting Goddess Jen, and frogged 2 inches of the open rib pattern leaving the 7.5 inches of rib pattern. Carefully she placed the stitches back onto the needles and knit a row. Then she started to knit the open rib pattern so when the cowl was finished the WS of the rib pattern would show on the RS (right side) and the open rib pattern would have the RS facing. She worried about the aesthetic quality of the sweater, what Memo would say, how others would judge her knitting skills. She sought the approval of the Knitting Goddess and she bestowed her blessings. Then she asked the fair Kayla, Keeper of the Kitten Gus, and she praised the change. Megan, the beautiful and talented crochet librarian, also gave her support. And here we are today...the cowl half completed and safely guarded against gremlins. It happens in knitting...we can only learn from our mistakes and frog it. And that, dear friends, is the triumphant tale of the librarian and the cowl. Let's hope I have enough time to finish it this weekend so that I can finally start on those socks! I have less than a month to knit them up.
In other news, I'm reading The Hunger Games trilogy and I'll admit I was a bit hesitant about it. Sometimes, and I'm ashamed to admit this, my inner English nerd gets a lil snobbish and says "puh" to YA fiction. Which is ridiculous since I read books that could hardly be considered great pieces of literature. So I was on Amazon and found the first book, The Hunger Games, on sale for $5. Okay. Read it in a day or two then bought the second book, Catching Fire, on Tuesday and I'm almost done with it. It's really interesting. I have not read a lot of dystopian literature, but I find it most intriguing. Mainly because I'm cynical and angsty towards our current society. Anyway, I highly recommend it. I want to see the movie that just came out too...any takers?
Well, that's all that's new on the knitting front. I'll keep you posted on how things go for our fairy tale sweater.

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