Tuesday, April 24, 2012

BFFFL Weekend O' Fun and Knitting Enticements

I had the most awesome, amazing, fun time this weekend and it's all because of one epic person: Jen. I haven't seen her in a year! A year! Too freaking long. She recently moved to Chicago and so I asked her to come up and visit before I head back up north for the summer. We knit, watched movies, talked, ate amazing food, knit, drank to excess, ate hangover food, knit, went on a hike, fondled yarn, and had a grand ol' time. Here are some pictures of our adventures: 
Jen cuddling with Rajah.
Jen skipping rocks.

To say the least it was a fantasic weekend. I miss her already! My mood and happiness levels shot sky high when she walked through the door. What's great is that even though we hadn't seen each other in a year, we kind of picked up where we left off. It's wonderful...

Okay, so knitting! I worked on the socks I posted about earlier. I have about 5 repeats done on the pattern and it's looking lovely! I'd post a picture but I misplaced my camera after I uploaded those photos. Trust me, it's beautiful. The only problem I'm encountering is that I want to knit instead of do homework. My knitting surrounds me in my room and it ogles at me, beckoning me to pick up those needles. I have yarn and a pattern from 1977 that I swear crinkles the plastic Michael's bag it's in to get my attention. I may be going insane. It is nearing the end of my second semester in grad school. Here's hoping between the burst of joy of Jen's visit and the fact that only three weeks remain will motivate me to get things done in a timely manner. 

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